Bees & Wasps

wasps, pest control ocala, byron with pest bear

pest control ocala, pest bear by byron, byronwithpestbear.comWhen it comes to pests that strike fear into the hearts of many, bees and wasps are certainly at the top of the list. In Tampa, Florida, where warm weather prevails for much of the year, encounters with these stinging insects are not uncommon. However, dealing with bee and wasp infestations requires careful consideration and professional intervention.

PestBear understands the unique challenges posed by these insects and offers comprehensive bee and wasp control services tailored to the needs of Tampa residents and businesses.

Types of Bees & Wasps in Florida

Florida is home to various species of bees and wasps, each with its own characteristics and behaviors. Among the bees commonly encountered in the area are honey bees, bumblebees, and carpenter bees.

  • Honey bees, known for their role in pollination and honey production, often build their hives in trees, wall voids, or even within the structures of buildings.

  • Bumblebees, recognized by their large, furry bodies, typically nest in underground burrows or within abandoned rodent nests.

  • Carpenter bees, as their name suggests, excavate tunnels in wood, posing a threat to wooden structures such as decks and eaves.

In addition to bees, several species of wasps inhabit Florida, including paper wasps, yellow jackets, and hornets.

  • Paper wasps construct their distinctive umbrella-shaped nests in sheltered locations such as eaves, porches, or tree branches.

  • Yellow jackets, known for their aggressive nature, often build nests underground or in voids within walls.

  • Hornets, a type of large wasp, construct large, spherical nests in trees or shrubs, occasionally posing a danger to humans who venture too close.